Bonjour, This is a Crazy place to be!

WelcOme to A craZy place to be,
Crazy B's Home Page.

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Hullo, this is BRADY and this is my crazy Web Page. I have inclued links to many interesting places, well at least I think that they are....

I have inclued links to: Games, My Poems, ARTs & Entertainment, Mods & SoundNews & Goverment, Sights and Ref. of France and Europe! Wild stuff?? Church, Sports, PsYcO Ward Autre WEB sights, and Mes Amies Look 4 IT!!

Phew I hope that is enouf! And leave your comments about my page.EnJoY!.

Email me at:

Visit my college if you like!

UD Morris Library and the ERC

SIS plus

Whats the weather in Delaware today ?

ARCADE, COMPUTER, and HOME VIDEO GAMES Links and FA Q's to many Video Games.

ARTS & ENTERTAiNMENT If you like: TV, Movies, Museums, Music, to Poems then this is the place to gO!
Mod music and Sights and Sound
News & Goverment links.. WHATS HAPPING IN THE WORLD TODAY LOOK HERE! Just what is the US government up to?
France & Europe
Living WIld? Want to Talk to some one? No not the walls! come here and waist your time.
Go to Church. Yes, this is a sick world, and it gets wores every day. Some days I don't know if I'll make it, but GOD helps me threw it.
My Poems
Sports PagesWhats going on in the World of Sports!NO OJ!!!!
PSYCO Ward This is were you get to see if your loOnY. In other words take some tests you see if your nuts.

Autre WEB SIGHTS J'aime

Here are some other Very CoOl WEB sights

Best of the Web, Cool Site of the Day, Scott Yanoff's Internet Source List, NCSA's Internet Starting Points, CERN's Internet Sources by Subject, NCSA's What's New Page, The Internet Magazine Index, Kaleidoscope, Hot WIRED and Welcome to Techweb

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    Search with NetScape's Info seek. Its good too!

    Click here to Search 4 what U need by the SUBJECT at Yahoo

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    Excite search

    Net Directory

    Web Crawler

    Wandex Search

    Mother of all BBS

    Mes Amies stuff
    Before you reach the end of this WEB Page I would like to thank all those that helped me.

    PJ's , Jay's , and Clyde's Web Page

    Rember to Email, if you like this page.

    If you find someing not working with this page, or if you find any cool web sights please tell me. CRAZY B!

    I'm allways looking to improve, and for a date. So girls please mail me before I cry.

    I hope you enjoyed this rendition of the Crazy B page!

    Le Fin

    look for hidden links