King & Civil Rights Lesson Plan using the Web
Upon completion of this lesson students will have the know how to extract
useful information off the World Wide Web. They will have an understanding
of the civil rights time period in America, and an awareness of the obstacles
that Martin Luther King had to over come to persue his dream. They will
see the relevance of civil rights and how it helped shape our nation and
the world.
The Leaner
The instruction is designed for ninth to tenth graders in a US History
Students would be graded on their group time line of the Civil rights
movement and the life of Dr. King. They will be aloud to sight and use
the information extracted on their reports that will also graded individually.
Previous Instruction
Students would have past knowledge in the history of WWII. The social
and political atmosphere of the 50’s and the 60’s that had covered will
be very important. Also past knowledge of slavery and the civil war will
be relevant.
This Lesson
This lesson should approximately take four days. Three days to work
in groups to extract information and create a time line. The fourth day
would be for group presentations. Groups would rotate computer use every
20 minutes. To make certain all groups get equal time on them. Extra time
and extra credit would be given to those that stayed after school to work
on their project.
Future Instruction
Students will view a video on the civil rights movement after completion
of the report will continue to the Cold War and the striving for space