Look Web page help!
The Upward Bound Assignment page
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Some students in my upward bound class asked me some question before making a webpage.  They were basic questions, but I found them hard to answer.
What is a WEBPAGE?
 Well a webpage is hypertexted document on the world wide web that is usally graphical, that presents the reader with information.

WHat do you do with it?
Your own personal web page should be about your self and your interests.  Once you make it you can show case your tallents and places on the web that you like to visit.

WHat is it for?
 Your web page should be for you.   To showcase your talets for a job,  express your ideas, and or exchange information.  Company web pages usally advertive a service or product and sometimes sells information as well.  Educational sights freely distribute information and ideas.  

The Assignment: Infiltration of the Internet  

    It's time to make some footprints on the World Wide Web.  You are to create your own webpage.  Using the sample on this page, you will know what information to include on yours.  You are also to include a link to your Resume, which will be transferred to hypertext (html).  Be creative with your page! Make it suit your individual personality.  We are all different and so should our webpages be.  I hope you have fun doing this = )  Here is some help finding pictures and ect...

Title of Page
Your Name
E-mail link (mailto:yourlogonname@udel.edu)
Education (your high school)
Picture or yourself or someone that looks like you if you're too ugly.
We dont have to worry about that, not any one in our class breaks mirrors
(Go to insert image)
Resume (insert a link to resume.html)
Info about yourself
( what do you like, what do you do, something that shows the person that you are, hobbies/music, etc.)
Family (pictures, names, or a tree with a family title)

Fun and interesting things on the web

And a hyperlink back to the Upward Bound Page.

I am done now, I need to publish my page.

Step 1. Setting up your account
   1.Log on to telnet copland.
   2.Make your home directory executable by others. Type
     chmod o+X .
     Note that a space and then a period follow the X
   3.Create your public_html directory. Type
     mkdir public_html
   4.Make your public_html directory executable and readable by others. Type
     chmod o+rX public_html
Step 2.  FTP your files
    1. Goto the windows FTP program. (goto find and type ftp search the c: drive)
    2.  Logon and goto the public_html directoey.
    3.  Chang the other side to the a: drive go into your web page folder.
    4.  Now copy you html files and pics to your public_html dir

Step 3. The final chmod
    1.  Goback to copland
    2.  Goto your public_html directory by typing
    cd public_html
    3.  type
       chmod 755 *.*
    4.  Now any one can load your web page on any web browser!

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